Spring Cleaning and The Transformer Room....
It was one of those teaser Spring like days. Kind of warm, kind of light, where you wake up motivated and Ready for Action. I had eight different plans in place before I left my bed (which turns into a couch) and made myself tea.
After making Tea I remembered I was possibly still not QUITE well, and recovering from BRONCitius, and scaled the Plans back a bit.
I did manage to open all the windows (as one does on the first day it FEELS like Spring) and make the Sunroom with my new couch (which turns into a bed) and coffee table (which turns into a desk) all nice and new again, ready for summer with easy access to the windows..
I shall now call it The Transformers Room.
I've been operating on a Plan I like to call "Lob It Out The Back Door" when it comes to the garbage bags these past couple weeks. Hey, it's been COLD and there is about 8 feet of snow between the door and bins. No one but me can SEE this travesty of garbage pile...At any rate, Dealt with that little embarrassment.
(Why am I telling you this??? Confession?)
I cleaned out ALL the cupboards in the kitchen and got rid of everything I didn't like, or that bothered me, or I didn't use. (Been listening to AFP's Assistant Beth moan all month about her accumulation of STUFF and what happens when you have to move. Not that I'm moving, but why wait?) And I made food for the next several days, for me, and five Bengals. (Not as hard as it sounds, we pretty much eat the same things, only I have veggies with my meat.)
I took off all the blankets from my bed of the past week (which turns into a couch) and re-sheeted all the upstairs beds (which don't turn into anything and aren't in fact anything BUT beds) Vacuumed (yes I do know HOW, I'm just not very GOOD at it) Took out the rubbish (TO the bins, thank you very much, no more lobbing) AND did all the laundry. Even the weird bits. (you know, those leftover things one always seems to have after laundry is DONE. Pillows, odd towels, things you've never seen before and don't recall having worn)
And I bathed.
And put on my Jammies.
It's nearly six.
And I'm done.
Love and Spring Cleans,