Sunday, February 20, 2011

My Fashion Show....

I received an invite in my inbox inviting me to be a VIP guest at a Fashion Show coming up, which is very exciting, but I am not sure why they believe I might be an asset to this sort of thing. Still, I can see me there. It could happen. Mostly what I want is to read the write up in the fashion pages the day after. PEOPLE magazine needs me.

BBBGG (Beautiful Bleached Blonde Gay Guy): Quiche Medeadly! HOW did you LOVE the event last night??? SO glad you were there! Made the evening!!

QM: (that would be ME) Oh, dude, I loved it! SO many wonderful people, really, wouldn't have missed it! Was curious about the Gift Bag, what the heck is "Eye Cream"?

BBBGG: Let's talk about your outfit, Fabulously Whimsical knee socks from Target, black workout pants, and a delicious tattered pink tank top, was it hard to decide? Or did it just come together?

QM:It was easy, came together instantly, it's an outfit that's so right for anything. And all I currently own.

BBBGG: I know you've been photographed in a variety of hairstyles, and forever you've been going with the Messy Bun look, and now, you seem to be sporting braids, why the change? We LOVE it by the way, SO five years old!

QM: The bun doesn't fit under my either my Derby Helmet or my Riding one.

BBBRG: And PINK now? Very trending, your doing I suspect, pink is the new purple! Why pink tho? What lead to the switch?

QM: My hairdresser was out of purple that day and I was wearing pink socks*. (*Actual real event)

BBBGG: Tell us about your jacket...

QM: A Naptown Hoodie. Armani, I believe.

BBBGG: Those boots were too too! Michael Kors? Jimmy Choos? Was the mud a Steampunk reference or were you going for a "Crawl out of the Ooze" evolution statement?

QM: Red Wellies. Spring in MN. Be a fool to go with anything else.

BBBGG: We SO admire your stance on not accepting any designer jewels! Diamonds are SO yesterday!!! What are you wearing?

QM: Bee earrings. Only ones I could find two of.

BBBGG: Is that a BENGAL in your bag? Most people carry Little Doggies at these events, don't see any tonight tho...And is that a CASANDRA Designer Purse?

QM: Ah. The purse. Nordstrom Rack. I was weak. And the thing IS cool. And no, there don't seem to be any little doggies around anymore, who can say?

BBBGG: We notice that you are CURVIER than most of the sized 2 and zero starlet and icons here tonight, they look positively starving beside you, do you have any comment for young women in regards to this?

QM: Hell yes! I am a normal sized women and normal sized women have curves and aren't a size zero, who would you rather go to bed with? A stick or a women with something to hold onto*? (*Map of Tasmania reference)

BBBGG: Er...

QM: Oh. Right. Point. The point is I am HOT in whatever I wear, I look GREAT, and I am FIT and happy

(Network/Mass Media note: We are not running those last comments, cut interview at question 8)

You know, I may well go to this fashion show at that. I got some points to make.

Love and Fashion,


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At 10:52 Blogger Precision Grace said...

How cool. If I got an email asking me to be a VIP guest at the Fashion Show, I'd be wondering why my spam filter wasn't working.

Go and McFashion the bees wax out of them!

At 10:54 Blogger Beez said...

Show those fashionistas what's real!

At 10:55 Blogger Jane said...

Yes! Go and report back to us!

At 10:55 Blogger Jane said...

And tick

At 11:11 Anonymous Kambriel said...

Rock on. And if it were my fashion show, you'd be welcome not just in the front row, but On Stage should you wish!

At 11:12 Blogger vampi said...

how fun!

At 11:18 Blogger Marjorie said...

Definitely you should go. We need real people, and real women to go to this kind of thing, plus your write up will be so much fun to read.

At 11:32 Blogger Beez said... I can't get the idea of Bengal In A Bag out of my head.

Hilarity would ensue.

At 11:34 Blogger AletaMay said...


Can't wait to read about the reality. Will be wonderfully entertaining I am sure!

But are they the bee earrings that do not actually match? If so I recognize those!

At 11:37 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't forget to wear roller skates.

At 12:00 Blogger Kitty Cat said...

"the only ones i could find two of..."
did your bay prezzie arrive, braidy lady?
i miss you all there in the snow n' ice.
today it is sunny and 60*....woooooooo!

At 12:02 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Wicked! I can just see it! Great picture, by the way.

At 12:08 Blogger Marjorie said...

Mum & Venus could wear their purple harnesses (perhaps blinged up a little with sequins) and their coats. Their slim elegance would make them the envy of all the models.

What could possibly go wrong?!?

At 12:08 Blogger Marjorie said...

Mum & Venus could wear their purple harnesses (perhaps blinged up a little with sequins) and their coats. Their slim elegance would make them the envy of all the models.

What could possibly go wrong?!?

At 12:29 Blogger Cecily said...

I too would be the least appropriately dressed person at a Fashion Show, but OMG I would still totally go! I hope you go and tell us all about it!

At 12:35 Blogger Precision Grace said...


At 13:30 Blogger Phiala said...

I have doing the bookkeeping, in preparation for doing the taxes. I think I'm finally getting the hang of double-entry bookkeeping, after spending a lot of time and energy doing it wrong.

It should be much smoother from here forward.

Now I get to move on to other exciting things, like housework and a shower.

The glamor of my life threatens to overwhelm me sometimes.

At 13:32 Blogger Vinity said...

You will definitely be the most interesting person there. Can't wait for reports.

At 13:41 Blogger Marjorie said...

I had to learn double entry bookkeeping in order to qualify, but I'm not sure I still remember how to do it.

Mercifully, the package we have with our (partnership) accountants means they do our individual tax returns, too, so one I started having to file one, I started having someone to complete it, too.

At 14:42 Blogger DataGoddess said...

Oh, Phiala dear, I can help you with double-entry stuff, did I mention that my first degree is in accounting? :-D

At 14:51 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Not going to this event, mind you, just thought it would be funny if I DID.

Been thwarted trying to get to the rink and skate. Too far out in the country, no roads anymore, ain't happening.

Going to skate in my dinning room with the Bengals now. Seriously, there's a lot one can do on the ground.

But I am right grumpy about this.

At 15:15 Blogger vampi said...

my little slice of lala-and is having a solo ted leo show for a tenner!

love this.

one of my first dates with boy was to a ted leo concert.

At 15:19 Blogger Marjorie said...

Of course, it'd be hard for the reality to be as entertaining as your imagined interview etc.

Sorry you can't get to the rink, though.

At 16:41 Blogger Dragonsally said...


You should go QMD, just for the entertainment value alone.

I think we should have a virtual fashion show - our Fearless Leader has shown us the way.

At 17:50 Blogger dabbler said...

I want to see QMD as a model at a Kambriel show!!! ANd I love the disappearance of pocket dogs in a bag, indeed.

At 19:55 Anonymous Wendy Withers said...

You should go! I once was sent to cover a fashion show for a newspaper, and I didn't make it past the ropes outside the club. I showed the bouncer my press credentials, but they told me the venue was all full up. Then, I got to watch blond stick woman after blond stick woman get waved in right in front of me. I ended up leaving, going out for dinner with a couple of friends, then writing a story about getting snubbed and another about the restaurant. It was a lot of fun once I took control of my evening back.

At 20:13 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Only place I'm going now is my bed, Fods, I am tired.

It's still snowing. Like a LOT. Huge snowing. ALL THE SNOW IN THE WORLD is coming down HERE right now.

My car is out on the street, buried halfway up its tires.

So sad it is.

Cozy in the Spooky House tho, and all the Bengals are curled up and sleeping.

If you're up early tomorrow, see you then!

Sweet dreams, my Fiends.

At 20:22 Blogger vampi said...

is it cozy on he correct side of the street?

At 21:36 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Wendy that is so damn RUDE. I'm so glad you got sweet sweet revenge *wicked grin*

QMD, are you surethe Bengals didn't organise all this snow so you had to stay home with them? I suspect they Haz The Powerz.

At 00:01 Blogger Chantrelle said...

You are too hilarious lady!

Just got home from a vacation w/ the folks. Had a great time. Ate a lot of oysters. Came home to my Sock Dreams order..yay!

Q, you will be getting a package in the mail in a few soon as I actually get it packed and addressed...a little "you go girl"/derby present :)

OK, bedtime for me.

At 09:41 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Interesting morning.

Got the car dug out and then found out class was canceled, which I am not REALLY upset about as I have a 2 hour thing tonight, but it WAS kind of harsh to have been out there in the dawn digging and all...

I am sore as hell and about to practice my Derby skills in the dining room, which is darn interesting.

Also having a pretty interesting conversation on FB about just whose panties were in Dark's gear bag, that I currently possess.

SOME of them were hers but the red striped ones remain a mystery...

And it is snowing AGAIN.

Interesting Monday.

At 10:01 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Schrödinger underwear!

At 12:08 Blogger Ms T said...

I just love that you're not letting a little weather stop you from skating. :)

At 13:42 Blogger vampi said...

to arse or not to arse, that is the question of the pants.

At 09:47 Blogger One Sock Short said...

Kinda wishing you would go to the fashion show and send us some more entertaining commentary. I confess - one of my guilty pleasures is Glamour magazine. It's like traveling a foreign country, only much cheaper. And Glamour's lipservice to women of all sizes and shapes is rather better than that of the other magazines.

At 09:48 Blogger One Sock Short said...

and tick

At 10:15 Blogger LihuaEmily said...

I am late, sorry, but here now! Awesome interview. I like pink tank tops, and pink hair.

At 14:43 Blogger Becca said...

I, for one, am a big fan of your Target socks, leggings and shirt ensembles. The hair pulls the whole look together. I am rather inspired. I have a nice collection of Target socks myself.

When I met you I thought it looked like some of your colored strands of hair were tie-in extensions. If this is true, how did you do that? I used to have pink streaks in my hair and loved it but it ended up being too high maintenance for me after awhile.

At 08:56 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Morning Fiends!

Not a great morning, I'm growly at everything. On a nice note, that is so exactly right for step class with the PB's, that I im no way wish to go to.

Winter is getting to really be no fun. Want some spring.

Cheer me up?

At 09:02 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Have some LoLkitty.
Or some music

At 09:15 Blogger One Sock Short said...

Presenting... The Llama Song

At 09:22 Blogger Becca said...

If you haven't seen this yet you will love it:

Do you like Mystery Science Theatre 3000? That always cheers me up. I have a playlist of shorts and clips:

Need a cuteness fix?

Go to iTunes radio and under Ambient choose Bird Song Radio. It's just birds singing. It always makes me feel a bit like spring is around.

Now for words of encouragement:
You can make it! Take the opportunity to walk around in a blanket and drink copious amounts of tea. You can do anything what with your colored hair, crazy cats and bad ass roller derby side! You are woman and you can roar. C'mon, roar!

Okay, so, if all else fails, grab the cats and come to Lincoln. You can skate your heart out and bask in sunshine and eat good food. Also, I will let you play with my cats and rats.

Do you have a favorite gemstone or color? I'll make you some pretty jewelry. :)

At 14:40 Blogger Marjorie said...

I don't think it's morning anymore, even in Quicheland. I hope you are feeling cheered by now.

On a seperate note, did you all see that Maureen Johnson is offering a chance to win an ARC of her latest book? details here, and if you don't win the book, you help victims of the NZ Quake & other disasters.

At 17:22 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I am lots happier now! Hated the class but it worked well, turned whatever it was.

Going to skate at my Bouncy Castle track now! Then find food.

Becca, you are a chatty new Fiend! Welcome! It was lovely to meet you! You will love these Guys, I do. All of them.

Well, ok, most of them.

More or less.

Kind of.

(I slay myself!)

At 17:25 Blogger Cecily said...

You would be lost, LOST I SAY, without us!!!!

Yay bouncy castle track!
My friend just joined a coed derby team in VA. I think I will try to make my first bout next month.

At 17:30 Blogger Chantrelle said...

Glad the day turned around! You should be getting a package from me in a day or 2. I mailed it yesterday! :)

I've been having a very philosophical, strange day. I posted a very serious blog post about abortion and shared the link with the world. That put me in a strange place. (Don't feel obliged to read, comment or anything on the post, just trying to circulate it in this volatile political time).

I pick up ben in about 45 minutes. He usually brings me back to goofiness.

At 17:31 Blogger Chantrelle said...

and by "obliged" i meant "obligated"...yeah, literature major here.

At 17:35 Blogger Becca said...

sorry if I'm overwhelming you with all my chatty-ness ;)
Being sick=the internet is your social life. Aw,hell, the internet is the whole world's social life. But you know what I mean. I think...

At 17:37 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

You're just fine, my dear. We LIKE chatty here, and the Fiends will like you too!

We'll be your social life! MMMaaaahahahwahahaaaa!

At 17:45 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Becca, I'm in the same spot...this is my wonderful cheery hang out place, where I get to feel that I'm still able to do all these wonderful things like riding and skating and so forth.

Here in the antipodes we are still pretty much focusing on our cousins in NZ. Hera and Ms T, if you're reading I'm with you in spirit. And any other lurking Kiwi fiends.
Only 1 sleep until I see Jason and EvelynEvelyn, and 2 sleeps until the AFP show. Am I excited or what.
Tomorrow I am wearing my Eye of The Quiche shirt! Seems pretty apt to me. I may just wear my glowing Quiche party shirt on Saturday.

At 20:43 Anonymous Wendy Withers said...

Grading papers. Just popping in to say "Hello!" to the fiends.


At 07:31 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...


Happier today, but sleepy. Slept IN even, no morning workout today, dentist. No, not any persky dental work, I get my mouth guard this morning!!!

Pricy little thing, but WAY better than the sports store ones. It's boring tho, no exciting colour or fangs or anything. We'll wait for first bout for that one.

At 07:39 Blogger Becca said...

Glad you got some extra rest today, anyway! But damn, it still seems like you're up awfully early.
Ten degrees colder here today in Lincoln than where you are. And we're supposed to get snow! *grumble* So... not leaving my bed.

At 08:42 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Mostly I am up by 6, easier in the summer than the winter...

At 10:50 Blogger Chantrelle said...

My brain entered intense-land yesterday. Going more for candyland or maybe just get-stuff-done-land today.

I see our queen is shopping for her own derby gear....Exciting!

At 11:12 Blogger Cecily said...

I have a feeling we're not going to get any more snow this year, and it makes me sad. So Becca, if you can figure out how to send me your snow I will gladly take it. just push it in the direction of DC. Seriously snow days are one of my favorite things. Granted I still have to work since I don't have a commute, but having the girls stay home from school makes me VERY happy.

At 11:15 Blogger Chantrelle said...

Speaking of snow...*we're* supposed to get snow!! Ben's school is pretty much guaranteed to have snow tomorrow, it's at 1800ft. But they're talking snow in Santa Cruz!! So, I usually offer my place as an escape from the cold but you may not want to come this weekend.

Of course, cold here is 30-40degrees...*above* zero. That's REALLY cold. Crazy, everyone whines and freaks out cold.

At 11:17 Blogger Becca said...

Cecily, you can have ALL the snow, even the bit that's still on the ground. Aesthetically, I don't mind snow but practically, no. I will do my best to send it.
I liked snow better when I lived on the east coast in Maryland. You people get nicer snow, methinks.

At 11:19 Blogger Phiala said...

We're supposed to get ice pellets, then rain, then snow, with a quick trip thru freezing rain on the way. I'll trade that for pretty much ANYTHING.

At 11:27 Blogger Cecily said...

Is it wrong that I am seriously envious of all you people getting winter weather?

Chantrelle, stay off the roads!!! If you guys never get snow then the driving will be atrocious. That's what happens here. MD/DC/VA drivers have no idea how to drive in the snow, so it's crazy when there is any snow. I spent half my youth in NY, and since snow happened a lot people knew how to drive in it.

I seriously need to win the lottery and buy a winter home in New Hampshire or Maine, where I can go hibernate for a few months. *stares of into space day dreaming* *le sigh*

At 11:38 Blogger Cecily said...

OFF stares OFF into space...sigh

At 11:47 Blogger Chantrelle said...

No kidding, people can't even drive in rain here and that happens for a good chunk of winter. I do have to drive up to ben's school in the morning and home in the afternoon. Should be fine though, most of it is rural roads. The snow we get in santa cruz won't really stick, it'll just dust and be pretty....that whole snow on the beach thing here is cool. It happened when ben was a baby. This is how much snow we get here, that's our backyard 6 years ago. And this is a house across the street from the ocean. So as you can see, our definition of snow is a little different than yours ;-) Ben's school gets a little more.

And that is my photo presentation for today. :)

At 11:54 Blogger Arwenn said...

We got ice pellets yesterday and I was out in them.....honestly my strongest reaction was "what the hell - who is throwing things at me?" Ah winter....

At 11:57 Blogger Erin Underwood said...

Is there a way that Q's blog can email me her posts. LOL!

I am soooo consistently late to the party that it's not even fashionable. ;-)

At 11:58 Blogger vampi said...


i am so spoiled. although last weekend we had snow in the next mountain ridge over, it was beautiful. snow is something i see off in the distance. i would love for it to snow in lala-land. i would laugh so hard, no one here owns a jacket, let alone knows how to drive in snow.

At 12:04 Blogger Erin Underwood said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 12:05 Blogger Erin Underwood said...

You guys are making me so cold with all of this snow talk. I refuse to let it snow in Boston again. We're done. :-)

Marcel the Shell is very cute. LOL. Thanks Becca.

Why must Comicon hotels be so expensive? Sigh... The world is not my oyster today.

At 12:11 Blogger Erin Underwood said...

Cecily, I can send you some Boston drivers, if you'd like. When it snows is the only time they know how to drive well. :-D

...says the Bostonian who is a former Californian.

At 12:12 Blogger spacedlaw said...

No snow in Rome this year (at least thus far) but we had gelid weather today (well, gelid for Rome. It was still above freezing temperature in the day time) but we had gorgeous weather.
I wonder what the magnolias are making of the sudden chill.

At 12:23 Blogger Erin Underwood said...

Nathalie, I have a question for you, but I can't find your email address. If you get a chance, can you please email me at e.m.underwood at ?


At 12:32 Blogger Cecily said...

Erin you can keep your Boston drivers. Out of all the places I have been, they are by far the WORST drivers I have ever seen, and that includes NYC cab drivers.

At 12:33 Blogger Marjorie said...

I was about to make a "we don't get snow at this time of year" comment when I remembered that my parents had snow on their wedding day, which was on 1st March, so I decided it might be tempting fate. (Admittedly, that was 42 years ago, and I don't think they have ever had a snowy anniversary, but still)

I have snowdrops in my garden, and they are in all the hedgebottoms I drive past. Still feels cold, though.

And I am feeling grumpy & uninspired.

At 12:54 Blogger Chantrelle said...

LOL, just found this weather site via a friend on facebook. Warning, contains profanity but is F*&#ing hysterical ;-)

At 13:02 Blogger spacedlaw said...

It does not accept an address outside the US..

At 13:09 Blogger Becca said...

Glad ya'll like Marcel. And hello and well met, Fiends! I know Lorraine because she was the one who organized my visit to Neil. We chronically/terminally sick adults don't have a Make A Wish Foundation, we have a Fabulous Lorraine! Which, in my opinion is far more funny and sexy than some foundation.

At 13:12 Blogger Erin Underwood said...

Becca, I totally agree. I think the Fabulous Foundation is ... well... fabulous!

It's great to have you on the list. You'll notice that we come and go and ... often... spin in circles.... but we always return to she who is Fabulous and the Fabulous Fiends. :-)

At 13:14 Blogger Chantrelle said...

Becca - I'm sorry to hear the reason you have found us but I"m glad you have! This is an amazing group that has been drawn here.

I need to go to the store, but i'd rather just sit and stare at my computer....sigh.

At 13:18 Blogger Marjorie said...

Just catching up on everyone's links.
You're right, Becca - I *do* love Marcel (and hadn't seen it before)

At 13:19 Blogger Marjorie said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 13:19 Blogger Marjorie said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 13:19 Blogger Marjorie said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 13:20 Blogger Marjorie said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 13:22 Blogger Ani said...

Whoahhhhh! Guess who now has teh internests at home? Live in FEAR!

At 13:25 Blogger Ani said...

And if you do Twitter fiendishly and are content to listen to my momness ravings, come find me: notanyani.

At 13:26 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

LET ME COMMENT! This IS my blog???

Blogger keeps eating me and offering to "Let me create my OWN" blog...

At 13:26 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Blogger eats my comments but lets Marjorie post many times?????

At 13:27 Blogger Becca said...

*feels welcomed* :)

and omg, snow for the rest of the WEEK?! That has GOT to be wrong. Then again it would stop my stressful problem of having to get a ride to errands I don't feel well enough to do in the first place...

At 13:27 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Oh. I guess it likes me again. Kept telling me to get my own blog started and eating what ever it was I said. Not that I can recall..

At 13:31 Blogger Marjorie said...

Whoops. Not sure what was going on there! I SWEAR I pressed post Once, and Once only. AND blogger said it hadn't posted.

Ani, anything special we should be scared if you doing? I prefer my fear to be specific, y'see.

At 13:37 Blogger Erin Underwood said...

Q, Marjorie has the blog keys and she is driving. :-)

At 13:40 Blogger Marjorie said...

I'm not qualified to drive this blog, especially not in the snow. And on the wrong side of the road.

At 13:40 Blogger DataGoddess said...

Marjorie, I'm scared of Ani's sheer wonderfulness, but maybe that's just me ;-)

I need to blow off steam - if the fracking federal government shuts down next week, I won't get to see my sweetie who I haven't seen in over a year. I'm not going to get into what should or shouldn't be in the budget, because I'm sure we all have our opinions, I just want them to settle on it already!!!!! They're interfering with my love life!

At 13:45 Blogger Phiala said...

DG, they're also interfering with my livelihood. Not to disparage your love life, of course. :)

At 13:46 Blogger Arwenn said...

As someone living in Wisconsin I'm not all that pleased with ANY flavor of government right now. Even the Milwaukee City Hall is getting into the act - a piece of masonry fell off the building so they've got a lane of traffic blocked off including my bus stop! The nerve!

At 13:46 Blogger DataGoddess said...

Phiala, they're screwing with his livelihood, too, of course. But what can I say, I have a one-track mind... ;-)

At 13:47 Blogger spacedlaw said...

I sent you an email, Erin.

At 13:51 Blogger Phiala said...

I wouldn't mind a few days off in March, even unpaid - I have novel revisions to do. But I'm travelling for work a lot in March, and that needs to happen.

At 13:59 Blogger Cecily said...

Dear Fods people, I was only gone a half an hour!!!

At 14:08 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Yes. Madness has struck.

At 14:09 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

All doomed.

At 14:12 Blogger Cecily said...

I must have these. All Of Them.

At 14:14 Blogger Chantrelle said...

I ordered my first set already :)


At 14:16 Blogger Cecily said...

Doomed you say?

I REALLY need to work...can't seem to focus...

At 14:18 Blogger Chantrelle said...

OK, i'm really going to the store now. I think. Actually, maybe lunch first.

The lovely olga nunes suggested i make lamb for dinner when i threw the question of "what protein" out htere. I've never made lamb. Not even sure if i like it. But i'm taking the challenge and making this tonight. If i'm going to cook lamb for the first time, it's going to be adventurous!!

At 14:18 Blogger Cecily said...

I can't order mine yet!!! Our old bank is a MD state credit union, and we don't have a VA bank yet, but there are no branches for my old bank anywhere near here, so I can't deposit my checks so I have no money in it so I can't order things.

*collapses in despair*

At 14:20 Blogger Becca said...

Chantrelle, I have some ground lamb. Haven't made anything with it yet. Normally I'm a vegetarian but I keep getting anemic and since I have Crohn's Disease I need a meat that's easy on the stomach. One of these is supposedly lamb. Let us know how your lamb tastes!

At 14:20 Blogger Cecily said...

Chantrelle..I'll be right over...*drools*

At 14:20 Blogger spacedlaw said...

For the first time ever? Wow. I would never have supposed you to be a lamb virgin, Chantrelle.

At 14:21 Blogger Chantrelle said...

Will do! If it works it will show up on I tend not to post my failures there though ;-)

At 14:21 Blogger spacedlaw said...

I can see this is going to be me going to bed with a clean inbox and logging in next morning with 140 odd messages waiting...

At 14:23 Blogger Chantrelle said...

Meat in general is a relative new addition. I always ate fish, chicken came in before ben was born but beef and pork just made their way into my kitchen in the last couple of years. When i first started eating meat again, i didn't cook it, just ordered it when we went out.

I make a mean meatball now! Among other things but that's my down home, quick and easy dinner comfort food.

At 14:26 Blogger Erin Underwood said...

As long as I don't think about the original shape of the meat, I'm ok eating it.

OMG. Think Geek? LOL. There went 20 minutes.

Check out the Zombie Haiku:

This is a classic:

Brains, BRAINS, BRains, brains, BRAINS.
BRaiNS, brains, Brains, BRAINS, BRains, brains, BRAINS.
BRAINS, BRains, brains, BRAINS, brains.

At 14:28 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Crohn's Disease, Becca? Have you read Martin Millar's "The Good fairies of New York"? I seem to remember the heroine suffered from the same. It is a great - hilarious - story. As is his "Lonely Werewold Girl".

At 14:30 Blogger Chantrelle said...

Erin - You've never been to think geek!! Oh dear. i actually bought that book in Mpls on the house on the rock trip and forgot to gift it to a fiend at HOTR. I am saving it for the next gathering :)

Lonely Werewolf Girl is awesome. I need to get all his other books.

At 14:30 Blogger Becca said...

No, I've never read those. thanks for the suggestions! I did hear about another book where the heroine had Crohn's...let's see...Kindred by Tammar Stein

At 14:34 Blogger Marjorie said...

I was surprised, too. I think partly as I think of beef as being 'meatier' so I'd imagine you going through lamb on your way to beef ( as it were)

I am experiencing a sudden craving for roast leg-of-lamb, with onion sauce & redcurrant jelly and roast potatoes.....

Hmmm. I wonder if it is too late to invite myself to my parents home for the weekend?

At 14:34 Blogger Cecily said...

I LOVELOVELOVE ThinkGeek so very much. I got that book for my Sister-Out-Law this past xmas. I also have a friend who happens to be their t-shirt designer. She has agreed to take me to work one day. I am very eager.

At 14:41 Blogger Chantrelle said...

That's cool Cecily! Ben was cracking up at the "Come to the Dark Side. We have cookies. -V" t-shirt. He loves going through the think geek catalog.

At 14:49 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Drats. I went onto Think Geek and ordered 2 t-shirts. as if I hadn't plenty already! AND postage to Europe is outrageous PLUS I will probably have to pay taxes on arrival AND go to the post office to retrieve the parcel. Buggerage and darnation. But, hey, cool T-shirts.

At 15:27 Blogger AletaMay said...

Wow! Fiends are awake today! Love it.

At 15:34 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Morning Fiends.
Tis the day of the Jason Webley/EvelynEvelyn gig. Guess who is just a little excited?

At 15:35 Blogger Phiala said...

Morning Sally, HAVE FUN!

Sheesh people, some of us go away for work meetings for only an hour and a half and the mailbox FILLS UP. :)

At 15:41 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Yeah, I love it when Fiends are chatty.
Lamb is my favorite meat. Luckily Australian lamb is both delicious and generally not that expensive.
Mmmm, lamb. Now I know what I want for dinner before my (first) big night out.

At 15:42 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Any lurking Melbourne Fiends here? I'll be the one with those flashing necklace thingies draped around her walking frame - tonight at Jason Webley and tomorrow at AFP.
What a weekend I am going to have!

At 15:48 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Dammit, I killed the conversation. Have you all gone to bed or something?

At 15:50 Blogger Phiala said...

It's still work-hours in the US for those of us with office jobs, Sally. We're around, but, y'know, working. Really.

At 15:53 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Phew...thought I'd bored everyone to sleep ;)

At 15:56 Blogger Cecily said...

Not asleep! Definitely try to finish work up. I am very excited for you and your show filled weekend. I hope to see both of them again when they come back to the states.

At 16:01 Blogger Chantrelle said...

Not asleep Sally, just out buying lamb! :)

Have fun at the show (like there would be a chance of a not-fun show!)

At 16:02 Blogger Chantrelle said...

Apropos of nothing, i just got an email announcing a show of a band called !!!
Now, how do you say that?
bang bang bang?
3 exclamation marks?
The artist formerly known as WTF?

At 16:04 Blogger Marjorie said...

I'm awake!
I'm just distracted by watching House.

At 16:47 Blogger LihuaEmily said...

Hey, Becca! I haven't been around much and haven't had a chance to say hello. I'm Lihua, or Emily, or Lili. LihuaEmily. :) Welcome!

At 17:19 Blogger ariandalen said...

I think you should go to the fashion show, Ms. Fabulous. You had clothes to wear in New Orleans, so I know you have more than workout clothes. Granted, if all it will do is raise your blood pressure, don't go. :)

Hi, Becca! Welcome to Fiendom! Here is your white buckled jacket. You are welcome to personalize it any way you wish; supplies are over there. :)
If you haven't taken a look at The Night Garden, you should. :)

At 17:26 Blogger Dragonsally said...

You know, we've never really talked about what our individual buckled jackets look like.

Mine has been decorated with sparkling purple, and dragons, naturally. There is some swirling aqua and pink in the mix too...and if you look hard enough you may find a frog and gecko as well.

At 17:29 Blogger dabbler said...

Victor Borges would have said that band name, "whistle POP" with a downward slash of index finger, and then a poke at the audience. No, you have to be there...

Welcome to Becca, and, Chantrelle, if you don't like the lamb, I'll take the left-overs! One of my very favorite meats, and I don't live down-under.

I am sitting in a cool hotel in Chapel Hill, where I am attending a training, and pursuing a mini-Fiend meet with Jane. We hope to connect on Saturday...I'm excited. And this hotel has cool motion sensitive, color changing squares on the floor of the elevators. I want to ride up and down and dance!

At 17:32 Blogger Chantrelle said...

I got to see Victor Borge before he was great! Went w/ my mom and grandma :)

The last (and only) time we were in chapel hill was last year when ben was the sickest he's ever been. We saw our hotel room, the urgent care and, briefly, our friend's living room. Everyone was really nice though!

At 17:37 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Chantrelle - how lucky to see Victor Borge. The man was amazing, and I can never watch that clip enough. Thanks Dabbler.

At 17:50 Blogger Dragonsally said...

There can't be many better ways to spend your time than watching some of the Victor Borge clips on Youtube...

At 18:14 Blogger LihuaEmily said...

I need to think more about my buckled jacket.

At 18:21 Blogger vampi said...

Victor Borges!!!


*twirls* becca welcome:)
one of my coworkers suffers from chrones, it's always an issue to find something for him to eat because he also has celiac with it.

also, i <3 good fairys of new york. i don't often laugh out loud as i read, but i did with that book:D

also, i have been a bad girl. today there was a fruit announcement, and i bought some new froot. (macbook) technology is my crack. (i so need that on a shirt)

At 18:28 Blogger vampi said...

my jacket has bells on it. it chimes everytime i move. darn it, if i'm going to be crazy, i'm driving everyone else around me bonkers too! i want company :)


At 18:33 Blogger LihuaEmily said...

I think my jacket has an original Starfleet insignia and an electron. There's a Musketeers hat to go with it. I rock.

At 18:40 Blogger Becca said...

My jacket shall have an embroidered picture of a liver on it with a green ribbon (organ donation) and also some pictures of my ratties. On the sleeve shall my a diamond-studded black cat with a nurses cap on (for Nurse Velvet) and, um...okay, I didn't really plan this out but it has to involve something along the lines of those features.

Just got some new, pretty origami star paper. I'll have to post pictures. Lorraine can tell you about her origami stars I gave her. Miss Fablor, this new star paper size makes stars between the size of yours and the tiny ones on Neil's piece.

At 18:48 Blogger Chantrelle said...

I had never planned my jacket...well...can it start out black? I say yes.

Black...must have some skulls...something food-related...maybe sushi patches or something? I haven't thought it through.

I always love the smell of subway and hate the taste. I prefer Quiznos if i'm going for insta-sandwich.

At 18:49 Blogger Dragonsally said...

That's you Becca? You are now officially a Fiend Star.
BTW, we have a Fiends group on Facebook. Really, we need to make it more active again gang.
go here

At 19:06 Blogger LihuaEmily said...

Mucho cool, Becca. You are so close to my age, closer than any other Fiend, I believe! (I'm eighteen.)

At 19:10 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

CHATTY! Love this!

Not wearing a jacket, just now. I am making dinner tho, which is huge for me, and not whinning for someone to come and cook.

Yessirreee. We got a Sweet Potato all cut up and a veggie corn dog. Baking the things. Eeeeaaassssyyyyy....

Forgot I had gigs this weekend. OOPS!! Fitting them in will be...Tricky. Going to sleep LATE on Monday tho!

At 19:14 Blogger Cecily said...

There's a Facebook group and I wasn't added...I'll try not to take offense, as I weep quietly into my Coke no it's ok...I'll just go work on my the corner...and the dark...

At 19:25 Blogger Dragonsally said...

How the heck did THAT happen Cecily. Glad I am that this has been rectified.

At 19:36 Blogger Becca said...

Lorraine, can I have some of that dinner? I'm too tired to make myself anything and I'm sick of drinking Boost (can you believe the doctors once wanted me to drink 5 of those a day?!)

I love me some sweet potatoes. sweet potato fries are an awesome way to eat 'em!

Thanks all for the lovely compliments :) I sellsome of my origami and some gemstone jewelry at a local shop a then I give away tons of origami to people in hospitals and clinics. I also give them as gifts, of course :)

At 19:39 Blogger Becca said...

Also, keep in mind, Emily, that article is rather old. I'm 23 now, 24 in the summer.

At 19:46 Blogger Erin Underwood said...

I am cold and uncomfortable. If it weren't for you lot, I would be totally bored. :-) Thanks for entertaining me tonight.

Q, when do we show up for dinner?

Emily, you are still the youngest. :-) Heh!

Vampi, I love your jacket. I want one.

At 20:08 Blogger LihuaEmily said...

Yes, still the youngest, but Becca is still the second-youngest, I believe.

It's funny to think I was fifteen when I started as a Fiend.

At 23:09 Blogger Jane said...

blogger not doing well tonight...

At 23:11 Blogger Jane said...

Much better now. Lost a huge long post - oh well.

Just wanted to say Hi Becca! I have a close friend with Crohn's and she's finally gotten the treatment she needs to have a good life - i really hope you can get to the same place. It's hard, I know from her experience...

At 06:10 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I think Sally is at the Evelyn Evelyn show in line right now! She will be having some fun!

Oh, good morning!

At 06:13 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Good morning!

At 06:44 Blogger One Sock Short said...

Dang, you all were chatty yesterday (Hi Becca!). I was at an afternoon-long meeting that broke my brain. Still planning on meeting a friend to see Spellbound on the big screen (looking forward to the Dali dream sequence) on Saturday. But the rest of the next several days will be spent following up on the brain-breaking stuff.

At 07:13 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Riding here this morning, then work, then workout, then gig.

Rather a bit much, but sometimes the cards fall where they do.

How wise I sound this morning!

At 08:41 Blogger Marjorie said...

I believe you are right, Our Sally is rocking away at the EvelynEvelyn gig even as we speak :-)

Sock, I hope the brain-breaky stuff has things which are interesting and/r useful or productive?

I seem to have spent most of today and yesterday banging my head againt (metaphorical) brick walls.

Right now I really, really want to know what training (if any) is given to Social Workers about effective communication - I mean, if your job involves working with and advising people and trying to support them to make changes surely the ability to explain clearly what they are being asked to do, and what concerns there are about what they are currently doing (or not doing) is a fairly fundemental part of the job?

Fods know, it isn't an EASY job, but it really matters that it gets done right.


Also, Good Morning / Afternoon / Random Time Of Day.

At 08:46 Blogger spacedlaw said...

I am afraid they get no specific training in that at all.
It's almost "flee the office and walk 9km ont he treadmill" time here, which feels pretty random but MOST welcome. I swear today had more gravity in it.

At 09:36 Blogger Becca said...

so sick this morning. feel awful. I felt awful yesterday, too, but today it's worse. Say some prayers for me, Fiends. :)

Just an fyi, I have a liver disease called PSC that is very rare and does not have a cure. I'm waiting for my third transplant (although I've been waiting 4 years). My disease is end-stage. The lovely thing about PSC is it often comes with Crohn's. Anyway, head on over to my blog to learn more about it. Also, go to and get some cool gear and donate money for a good cause at the same time! Okay, that's my plug for today.

Jess, I will email you about origami as soon as I can.

At 10:02 Blogger vampi said...

*snugs* becca

there is a good sized japanese population here in pasadena, and i know a shop that has some beautiful origami papers. do you have something similar? if you like i can run by there and get some. i<3 origami. i'm not great at it, but i make a few things.

At 10:21 Blogger vampi said...

ohi friended you on twitter(vampiress) and bookface (donielle). not stalking...

your blog is amazing. you are so brave to be so honest and share so much.

At 10:43 Blogger Becca said...

vampi: that's okay, I'm a "stalker" too, lol. I have an old blog at but I can't access it anymore because the Google monster ate my password.

I do love the japanese-style origami stuff. It's so pretty and classic. Most of the origami papers I get are from Korea just because they make the papers for the stars, turtles, boats and hearts. For cranes, though, I like to go Japanese. That is uber sweet of you to offer. If you want to send some I ain't gonna stop you :)

Feeling a bit better now. Better enough to listen to Neil read "The Graveyard Book and fold some stars. Also going to upload some pics of my origami. I'll be back with a link to them.

At 10:57 Blogger Becca said...

There we are. A few origami photos. They're cheering just to look at, I think. The colors and all.

At 11:54 Blogger Becca said...

Actually, they're not that hard. Then again I've been making them for years and I have tiny fingers.

At 12:05 Blogger vampi said...

wow! amazing. so beautiful. i really like how you string them up.

now i have a reason to go to the kimono store and buy some pretty paper!

At 12:09 Blogger Marjorie said...

Love the turtles, Becca!

At 13:58 Blogger Pi R Squared said...

My goodness...I step away and all heck breaks loose!

Welcome Becca! Love the origami and will read your blog next.

Am listening to new Decemberists (I am so in love with this band!!!)

Chantrelle, I've never particularly liked lamb until I had the Australian...hope your recipe turned out swell.

My Fiend's extra long armed white jacket is plain on the outside to fake everyone out...but the inside??? Covered in a painting of reflecting water and undersea kelp gardens and poetry to make one weep and smile and laugh. was the show???

At 18:03 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Since you aksed Pi...

I wrote a comment last night but blogger ate it, and as it was hours and hours past my bedtime, I gave up.

The show was AWESOME.
Those of you on twitter may have seen this
I wore my eye of the quiche shirt, pointed at my chest and told Amanda who I extra huge hugs from her, and gave her hugs and love back from The Fiends.
I decorated my walker with flashing disco balls - damn good idea when trying to navigate through a crowded room!
I cannot tell you how awesome the night was. The only one I didn't get to chat with was Jason, because I had to get my young friend Jess, who came with me home because she starting work in 6 hours!

At 18:03 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Oh -and Becca, your origami is incredible. How do you make those incywincy stars?

I'm glad you're feeling a little better now.

At 18:08 Blogger Precision Grace said...

Sally that's wonderful! I don't think I've ever seen you this happy! Yay and super Yay!

At 18:17 Blogger Pi R Squared said... the shot of you and Amanda...awesomeness abounds!
(Glad you had fun!)

At 18:32 Blogger Erin Underwood said...

Sally, so much fun! That is made of awesomeness.

You go girl!!!

At 19:21 Blogger LihuaEmily said...

So happy for you, Sally!

Guys! Staged reading tomorrow! Just wish I didn't have to like ... TALK into the mic.

At 23:01 Blogger ariandalen said...

Awesome picture, Sally! Hope the show at the Forum tonight is even better! :)

I have this feeling I'll be forced to join the Book of Faces. :/

Hope the feeling better continues, Becca! {{Becca}}

At 23:23 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Ariandalen (and everyone else) when I was speaking to Amanda, and then to Tom Dickens (he of the lemon cake song) they both said tonight is going to be even more awesome.

I am currently sitting here in my underwear trying to decide what to wear. Its hot right now, but wet stuff is predicted for latter.
*sigh* Such a hard first world problem.

At 02:01 Blogger Marjorie said...

You could go with just the underwear, Sally... I'm sure Amanda wouldn't mind!

So glad you had fun, and have more to come - I've been keeping all my fingers firmly crossed for you that you would be well enough to go and to enjoy.

At 02:09 Blogger Pi R Squared said...

LiEm...Jess is right.

Don't forget to breathe!
(Good luck!)
You'll be fine.

At 06:45 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...


Sally, glad you had so much fun! It's a wonderful show, isn't it? And you sounded HOT!

Awww, Jess, you listened to me! I never knew.

Derby practice and Rock are going to have to learn to get along. Clearly. Being up this early is all kinds of wrong.

At 08:52 Blogger Dragonsally said...

Just home from the (second) Amanda concert. Totally awesome.
Its interesting contrasting last night's show, which was a nice 'intimate' night at a pub, and tonight's show which was the full on at a theatre concert.

Winding down now for bed. At least that's the plan. I think I'm still on a high.

At 09:02 Blogger Jane said...

Sally! Wow! Really all I can say...

At 09:04 Blogger Jane said...

Katilou - Facebook is not the evil monster :-)

At 09:38 Blogger Erin Underwood said...

You guys are having so much fun! I'm jealous!!

Jess, careful. The TwitterBeast will get you!


At 09:42 Blogger LihuaEmily said...

Thanks, guys! I am leaving in five minutes to get to this thing!!!!

At 14:13 Blogger Cecily said...

Sorry to be so absent...been actually DOING things..weird I know.

Have fun EM!

Great picture Sally!

At 14:26 Blogger Becca said...

good afternoon ya'll. Somehow I wasn't receiving the comments for a bit so sorry I've been absent.

Sally: So jealous.
As to how I make tiny just do it, I guess. Bit more challenging at the moment since my medications sometimes make my hands super shaky.

Squared: Yay! Yes, the next blog will be about my meeting with Neil and after that probably a health update.

At 14:30 Blogger Phiala said...

There. Finished review that was due yesterday (asked for an extension).

Now to work on Night Garden website stuff for a bit; have a pesky hosting problem that really needs to be solved.

The thrills never end around here!

At 15:40 Blogger LihuaEmily said...

Reading was mind-blowingly awesome.

At 17:25 Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Gig is going to be a good one tonight. I can feel it....

Not enough sleep mind you, but ah well.

We'll have a new post soon, promise. Not today soon, mind you, but as soon as my brain comes back.

At 17:34 Blogger LihuaEmily said...

Thanks, Jess! Have fun, Quiche!

At 18:38 Blogger Marjorie said...

Dear Quiche's Brain,

please come back soon. We love you, and poor Quiche needs you, especially for the writing and the fashion tips.

A Fiend x

At 21:18 Blogger dabbler said...

Quite behind, barely awake but had to say I just got back from a totally delightful dinner with Jane and CalvinCat. Mini-fiend meets rock. That is all. (at least till I get some sleep.

At 21:30 Blogger Na said...

boooo! i think blogger just ate my comment.

At 21:32 Blogger Na said...

so. what i meant to say was:

welcome Becca!

high five, LiHua!

yay Sal!

rock on Fablor!

and we do have a leetel bit of The Snow here, which has nicely covered up all the partially melted and therefore yucky stuff.

At 00:17 Blogger spacedlaw said...

Great to know, Emily. I felt sure it would be.

At 07:43 Blogger LihuaEmily said...

Thanks very much, Na and Nathalie. :)

At 08:44 Blogger Becca said...

Emily: What did you read? Something of your own creation? I'd love to take a look at it

At 09:28 Blogger LihuaEmily said...

I wrote a play and had a staged reading for it yesterday - I didn't have to speak or read, but I did have to stand under a vicious spotlight and pretend like I knew what I was supposed to do there. Fortunately that part lasted a short time. But it was my own scene with assigned actors. I would be glad to show it to you, Becca, if you want to read it.

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