Spring with Mr Shedder....
As you can no doubt see, it was a lovely afternoon at the barn, for me and Dim. Dim is Shedding, a thing horsies do at this time of year. I would like to say, for the record, scraggly as he looks, when we took these, I had just spent over an hour brushing him. That's as groomed as he can get this time of year.
I like this picture of us because it is the first one of me in years I am feeling good about. I have been on my FIT Plan now for 9 weeks and have lost 12 pounds. Feeling very good about it. It could be more but I am not good at STAYING on the thing all the time. I think, tho, that is the way to do it. It's life after all, and if you can't do it forever, it won't work. It's a start. And the right direction.
I am going to be riding Dim all the time now, which is exciting. He still needs a lot of work, and Horsetrainer Melissa is going to keep working him too, and teaching me. I have a lot to learn. More than a lot. Dim is the finest horse I have ever rode, and I want to do it right. You can see how much he has filled out since last fall, when he was underweight, and not moving as well.
I spent a couple hours with the Shedder yesterday too, and braided his mane for absolutely no reason except I felt like it. His tail, by the way, is not GONE (Readers of Black Beauty, settle down) I put it up because it is very LONG, and drags on the ground, which in the spring, is very muddy. And icky. I want it to be pretty for show season.
After riding today, I stopped by the grocery store, and a Gentleman came up and asked if I was the Fabulous Lorraine. (Murphy's Law states this NEVER happens to me except when I look as tho I have just come from spending the day in the barn. Dressed to the nine's? Forget it!) He said he read my Blog here and loved the adventures. I asked how he knew me and he mentioned there weren't a LOT of people with purple hair in our town. Right. Well, it made my day, thank you Dennis, and welcome!
Having my own horse is changing so many things for me. There is so much less stress in my life, when I get to the barn, it all goes away. I love being there, I love how I feel, so tired (And dirty) afterwards. I am stronger. I think clearer. I plan more. I make things to eat in the crock pot to have ready when I get home. Or plan out what would be good, and healthy on the way back. I can sleep at night, and wake up feeling good, and ready for whatever the day has. I am starting to believe some pretty cool things about myself.
And at the risk of sounding sappy, I am totally living a dream I have had since I was four.
I have my own horse.
Love and Life,
That is a great picture of you guys! It is so nice to hear you so happy and to know FIT is working.
Rock the fuck on. \m/
This just makes me smile. Dim does look better than before. You both look so happy together, it makes me feel all warm inside.:)
Damn it, first comment, and first to forget to tick the damn ticky box. I wonder if I can throw a few more damns in there. Damn it.
Yay! Living dreams. Best thing you can do.
Awww...He's flirting with the camera. He looks cute and shaggy with that shedding winter coat.
Both you and Dim look great!
What fabulous photos, and lovely blog!
Where are we? I am now with the 2nd foster kitten of the season, Rocky, while defending my fingers from the first forter kitten of the season (Ziggy) because of his PANCAKE obsession!
Zoraline is visible in this video, too.
Ziggy is all but rehomed (once he's 12 weeks old) - the people who wanted Zoraline got worked over by Ziggy, but good. They're a GREAT home, and I can't imagine that Marilyn will have any trouble approving them (I sure hope not! I'm bound to get pics if he goes there!)
This means Zoraline will still be looking for a forever home, though. Someone will come around, I'm sure. She's sweetening up by the day - she's a truly lovely kitty, and so GOOD!
Aw, he is a big flirt in that close up picture! You both look fabulous!
Am a little concerned for a friend - she had a declining elderly cat, and when she picked it up yesterday she got bitten, hard, on the hand. Cat passed shortly after that :-(
Of course, my friend is now in the hospital getting IV antibiotics because of the bite. Nice painkillers, too. She was seen by the ER doc, the doc on call for her practice, and a hand surgeon. They decided she has to stay a day or three for the IV antibiotics.
From a cat bite. Youch!!!
This is a great post. It kinda made me tear up a bit, not exactly sure why, but I think it is both being happy and proud for you, Lorraine, and being inspired and hopeful about finding a way to live my own dreams.
Beautiful day, beautiful photos.
Yay for fit. Yay for 12 pounds. Yay for sunshine and spring.
We had 6.7" of snow Friday night. Spring is laughing at us.
I really want to know - who annoyed the Wintersmith this year?
@DG that's not that unusual for a cat bite, actually. They're NASTY business ... she's in the right place, and the antibiotics should do their thing. Poor S, though ... At least she has Broccoli Kitten to go home to!
You both look fantastic in that first photo Lorraine, I was going to say that even before you said you liked that particular shot. Seeing you with Dim sort of makes me tear up too. Its just so right that you found each other.
Yowser, your poor friend Toni. I've only had minor scrapes with cat bites and they hurt.
Lorraine, a pleasure to finally meet you! Not to worry, I grew up in a town even smaller than this one, so I'm used to barn clothes. Keep up the good writing here, and keep supporting the boss so he can keep cranking out the good work!
Dim - he's such a handsome brute! And you look so very lovely together. Joy and more joy to you.
Wonderfully warm here, too - K and I got out to the garden patches and cleaned 'em up, made way for all the tulip leaves coming through. Then saw someone coming out of the empty unit in our building, and asked if she was a new neighbor. She said no, she was cleaning, but someone was moving in on Tuesday. So we went and cleared out their garden bed, too, to help with the cleaning and welcoming.
Sweet... And you are looking great!
Wonderful! You both look fantastic, and the stress-busting and living of dreams are good to hear about.
This made me so happy that tears came to my eyes!!
Yay for living the dream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Dennis and welcome.
I'm up extra-early baking currant buns and trying finally kick the last of the time-change-schedule-upset. (Yes, it takes me a week. I hate it.)
It's raining softly on my tiny tulips and newly-planted peas.
Lorraine, that's wonderful. Happy for you and Dim.
How wonderful, and Quiche, you really look beautiful.
Another tick and run.
Morning All! Lovely day in the neighborhood here!
Working away at the morning e-mail and pondering the new Health Care bits. Being not poor and not rich, I am not sure anything applies to me.
But I haven't had a lot of tea yet.
Mostly thinking about work and riding.
Mistress, anyone who says to someone who gets up early to make current buns, "It's all time management" is an idiot.
I used to have a friend at DC Comics who would fed ex me sandwiches from Stage Deli. I need breakfast fed ex!
They are excellent currant buns, Q, and I'd be happy to FedEx you some except they wouldn't be there for breakfast, and I'm afraid they wouldn't be so excellent.
And it's "all about time management and priorities" - if I were doing it right I wouldn't have currant buns because I would have been writing instead. *rolls eyes*
The health care reform gets rid of some of the most horrible practices of insurance companies, and that could affect you:
1. They can't drop you if you get sick. Currently they drop people who develop chronic expensive conditions or use too much health care (life-time cap).
2. No more pre-existing conditions. Nick can't get insurance even though we could pay for it because he was in an accident twenty years ago. That will be gone.
Other parts will help people get affordable insurance. It isn't all I had hoped for, but it's a decent start.
Hmmph. Writers who don't make time for current buns are missing OUT. The ones that do, write better. My Boss makes rice pudding. Point and case.
Thanks for the health care...I am glad it is a start, and didn't know insurance companies did that. I had the OH GOD IF SOMETHING BAD happens kind for a while, but it went UP every month, even tho I'd never used it.
And a mean porridge.
You are so right. I'll have to write a story about currant buns for the occasion. But after I finish these ms revisions and big nonfic project due end of next week...
And, you know, anything I can do to be more like Boss. :)
Time management. Heh.
He really is adorable! Such nice, dry legs and that wonderful face. I'm glad you found each other.
Weird... Blogger is playing silly bugger. I just responded to a post from Lorraine a copy of which which I received via email and yet, it is nowhere to be seen here...
It is a lovely day.
I believe health care reform passing is good news, if only one step in the long journey. Not everyone will agree, and that's okay.
In sad news my sister-in-law had to say goodbye to her wonderful Schnauzer, Yon, yesterday. Yon was a very good dog. I spent time recovering from surgeries and illnesses in their house and Yon was always very good to me. For my sil he has been her true companion since her sons left the nest and I do worry about this loss for her. I think she has lost her best friend. Please send good thoughts her way.
Soothing thoughts sent her way. Our furry companions are so hard to lose.
Ha, and I see that Blogger has finally caught up...
Noone can keep up with you Nathilie, why should blogger be different..??
Mistress, well, you have a big dog. Check. You walk when you can. Check. You write well. Check. If you want to date a Rock Star you live far away from, I love current buns and am so available...
Very sad about puppies. Our friends live so much less longer than we do..
Lorraine, I frequently think that dating a Rock Star who lives far away would be my ideal relationship. And I'm all about people; gender is not so important. But I'm afraid I'm a one-at-a-time kind of woman. :)
And thank you for the lovely series of compliments. :)
And my sympathies for your friend, Aleta. It is so hard to lose the short-lived companions.
Looking at my new desktop background is making me unreasonably happy. I'll put it up on Flickr at lunchtime (imminent!) if anyone else needs a boost. :)
*Sends love to Aleta's sis-in-law.*
All buns may be sent to me here in MD. Special bonus love for buns of the cinnamon or female persuasion.
Cinnamon buns are female? What's the male equivalent?
Sympathy & good thoughts to your SIL, Aleta.
I don't believe anyone can write (i.e be imaginative & creative) all the time. The mind & imagination need time to day-dream and plan. It works for non-imaginative writing too - I used to bake a lot whenever I was revising for exams, as the change of pace and mental effort gave the work time to settle into, or emerge from, the back of my mind. Much more effective, and also less stressful, than doing nothing but revision/making notes.
Rich variety of life must surely also add to broader/more interesting writing (unless, I suppose, one is writing about a very boring writer who has no life and does nothing but write about writing, in which case 'making time' for writing above all else might be the way to go)
Can I have a bun, now?
OR female...buns of the female persuasion...tushes. Now I'm thinking about cinnamon tushes and this has gone all sorts of wrong....
Phi, I LOVE Irises. My favorite flower. And Purple my favorite color.
Yes, irises. Dwarf iris blooms very early (and now here). And Jess, you won't recognize this because they hadn't built it yet, but it has lots of daffodils.
Oh, and I have a 1pm meeting that I'd forgotten about. This is why I write things down! Must eat lunch with my lunchbreak!
Yes, irises. Dwarf iris blooms very early (and now here). And Jess, you won't recognize this because they hadn't built it yet, but it has lots of daffodils.
Oh, and I have a 1pm meeting that I'd forgotten about. This is why I write things down! Must eat lunch with my lunchbreak!
I have the strangest irises....Flowers are about three inches tall, perfectly irisy...only they are one a two inch stalk. No leaves, nothing. Just barely above the grass. They did this last year, and I thought, "Oh, they're weird because I just planted them in all the area torn up by the road construction. next year they'll look like real irises.
Nope. Pretty though.
I have to mull about what I want to write. I tend to write various notes over a week and then throw something together. If I sit down to write with nothing already circulating, I just stare at the screen.
Dabbler, you have dwarf irises, just like me. Short plants, small flowers, bloom very early, not much leaf yet when they flower. Pretty little things!
You look amazing lorraine! You're glowing!! And I just want to give Dim big lovey scritches!!
Kudos for taking control of yet another aspect of your crazy life and making it yours and what you need.
Had a low key weekend here. Pulled out a couple of plants that were attacked by a gopher. Ben had fun clipping and ripping them out. Boys love their destruction projects!
Then sewed armbands for his school presentation on friday about Mayan culture. It's going to be too damn cute!
Today I clear out my closet to make room for the new organizer dealy my contractor is building for me. More shelves, more hanging space. I have too many skirts for the space I have now!
Oh, and I should have these tulips blooming soon. The leaves are up but still waiting on the flowers.
Jess, the daffodils are in the middle of what used to be Shortlidge Road, near Eisenhower Auditorium. It's now a pedestrian mall.
Oh, I planted some of those tulips last fall! They're just coming up now.
If all it takes is currant buns, walking, and writing well... >.> -Runs to the oven and starts a'baking-
I'm glad Dim is helping you destress and be happy!
I am doing quite well, partly because my apartment currently does not have internet. Over the weekend I revised five chapters of my novel and added around 4,000 words. At this rate, I'll be submitting it soon.
The downside: I cannot apply for sub jobs without internet. I'm going to be looking for more pirate locations in my building tonight.
Arrrgghh! (Scary pirate growl)
Hope all the other fiends are lovely. I might not be back online until some time tomorrow afternoon.
I did not make buns but a pork roast with a ginger pesto for dinner. Does this count?
And I wrote a twitter story for tomorrow.
Is the pork a rump roast? 'Cause that should count as buns.
snort. No, it was a loin roast.
I have set up TWO arm and neck only massages for this week. Thank you St Pats!!!!!!!
The Bengal Painting is here and hung up!!!!! May need to wait till evening for best light tho, we'll see!
Hurray for framed & hanging pictures, and fir ( hopefully) quick-acting massages..
Phiala, I am having season envy right now. Those irises are just glorious.
Aleta, sending more love your SIL's way. My heart hurts for her.
and I am still snorting over this talk of buns...
Wow. Busy, busy Fiends in Spring. Love the photos! I have some daffodils and white bearded irises and lots of violets blooming now. Larkspur is coming up, as are the bluebonnets. It looks as if most of the perennials made it through our colder-than-usual winter.
Lorraine, you look great. Bet you've added muscle, too, which decreases the inches everywhere. I am not a horse expert, so I thought Dim looked fine, and at first thought he had new dreads. Rasta Horse!
Buuuuuns. Mmmm. I luuurve cinnamon buns. I am not going to learn to make them, tho, or I will be as big as a house. I did make a mixed-berry cobbler tonight. The Offspring said after dinner that it just went from a really good day to a great one. Sigh. That made my day better!
2 things -
1st - Ziggy + Pancakes - wow.
2nd - Daffodils make me very happy.
OK 3 things...
massages make me happier.
Ah flowers, not here except snowdrops, and crocus, tho things are poking up.
My riding got canceled tonight, and I had a lot of ideas of what to do, but reading and tv seem to have won the day..Or evening as it were. Not a bad choice at all I am thinking.
Reading and TV. Cover all the bases that way. Good plan.
Actually, to be truthful, it's rather more active than that. Venus and Mim think since I am not "doing anything" I can throw toys for them. Venus even brings them back for me.
Mim is intent on destroying the house.
Magic screams from his room wanting to play too.
And the Royals run up and down the stairs, if the sounds can be believed.
NEVER ever have FIVE Bengals.
One or two is good tho.
Sounds like an... energetic... sort of relaxing evening.
I just got home from knitting. Considering a currant bun for dessert. :)
Well, I have to admit, it did seem to be a bit of wishful thinking. I was imagining Venus sitting on the book saying, "Oh, no you don't!"
Bengals, who wish to play, are, umm..Rather insistent about it. Toy mousies are FLYING.
I keep telling myself they have to sleep sometime.
It's nice enough now we will start gong for leash walks soon, which is adventure for them. At least Venus and Mim.
I must say, Ms. Fabulous, that it definitely shows that you've been working on the FIT. :) Dim looks much happier, too.
Hi, Dennis! Glad you decided to reveal your inner Fiend! ;) Here is your white, buckled jacket, and over there are any supplies you might need to personalize your jacket.
Next house project is beginning. Today I got front door catalogs and looked at the tile shop for entryway tile. Not much area to cover but haven't a clue what we're going for. Took many pictures of tile to show hubby. Trying not to pick a shade of grey as that is all I ever seem to pick out!!
I was greeted this morning by someone congratulating me on "my people" (U.S.-Americans) finally doing something right by passing this health care legislation, and told that had it not passed, the U.S. would have been shamed before the (presumably "developed") world.
I don't disagree with the idea, but the tone of the delivery was a bit off-putting. Ah well.
Sooo glad we cleared the garden yesterday, as spring has gone bye-bye again - we got 2" of snow last night. Nothing like poor Siri down there, I know; we can still see much of our deck. ;)
I need TIME. Time to read. Time to write. Time to think. Time to sleep. I don't have time to dream Dreams, let alone time to think of ways to find time to make them happen. Can we legislate more time? Right. Back to the salt mines...
Whee! Picked a new front door. :)
Haven't priced it yet...that's the not-as-fun-as-picking-pretty-glass-part.
Nice door Chantrelle.
Na, didn't you know that gardening, like washing your car always brings bad weather?
who gets sick on vacation? o/ me and boy. :/
LOVE dim, fit, flowers ushering in spring, front doors, and vicarious internet buns
*happy victory dance*
I just received a phone call to tell me I have won tickets to see a show, of a comedian I love, at the Melbourne Comedy Festival tomorrow night.
woot woot. I am going out for laughs.
Woo! Have a great time, Sally!
And Vampi - hope you & boy feel better soon - it's just not been your year, so far, has it? I hope that improcves soon, too. (((Vampi)))
BTW - I think being given vicarious internet buns must work like a cargo cult (only, um, one that works) - got into the office this morning to discover that a colleague randomly decided to bring in cakes & buns for everyone....
Hm... cargo cult. Interesting idea, but not awake enough to go anywhere with it. Anyway, buns! Hooray! :)
And good morning (phiala local time, of course).
Oh Sally, that's wonderful! Have a great time.
I have a new piece on Teen Ink's website! Anyone interested? http://teenink.com/fiction/realistic_fiction/article/187777/The-Highway/ It's about Alzheimer's.
OK, i need to pick a paint color for our dining room. I get stuck in certain color palettes and can't think outside of them. You all are fantabulously creative so...
Here's our dining table. The upholstery is really a more eggplant color than it looks in the picture...it looks more red in the photo. Here's another shot. The floors are soon to be bamboo like this so we're going to paint before the floors go in. Any ideas? Nothing dark, the room is dark as it is.
How's that for hijacking a post for my own selfish needs? ;-)
Hijack away, CHantrelle! But I am the WORST colour picker going, so no help from me...
Waiting for my masseuse to come over and work on my arm....
Chantrelle, I would go for a Chinese Jade light green type color. The chairs are AWESOME BTW.
Aren't the chairs incredible?! Our cousins designed and made them. (Because We Can is their company).
Shade of green could be nice. We can't break out of blue and grey. We strayed slightly w/ our living room and went with a pale taupey color called, warmly, "Cinder block". And one wall in there is burgundy. I think we're going with 3 new colors (maybe only 2) for the entryway, the dining room and the hallway. Dining room is the big one though.
If the rest of the house is in blues and grays I would definitely go for a light green, it will add depth without contrasting the existing colors, but this is all without actually seeing the colors the layout of the house or anything but the few pics online. :-)
Of course if the cushions do have a red hue to them, and aren't actually more purple than red, then you might want to go with a light purple/lavender color, which will also look very good with light blues and grays.
/colorbabbling (I do LOVE color)
I love color, I just don't DO color! I think a green would look nice. Ran that idea past hubby in an email.
I'll go pick up some sample cans of colors next week after hubby's 40th bday party is over and I can start destroying rooms in order to make them beautiful again :)
Ticky box. No time for comments right now.
But you look incredible, Q. And I'm so happy you're feeling stronger both physically and mentally. And you're sleeping!! Yay!!
Keep up the good work. You rock.
Chantrella: Check out this color selection site from Lowe's. It' fun!
OOh, that's cool! Thanks Aleta!
With aubergine colours, go either pale green (the kimono combination referred to as aubergine!) or bright orange (which is a plum combination).
This is actually the : starting point page.
A darkish red, Chantrelle?
Yea for FIT. Your post brought tears to my eyes, too. Something about realizing dreams always gets to me.
Multiple sorries about lost pets :-(
Robyn, those chairs are gorgeous and I don't do colors either, but do send photos of the progress!
Sad that Magic can't get in and play, but happy that he has his life.
Spring in NC but not feeling the urge to plant yet.
Robyn, I would go with a pale green.
Hope you and yours feel better soon, vampi.
My advice on color is to find a general sort of color that you like, then pick a shade with an appealing name. When you walk into the room, you'll think of the word and not worry about the exact color.
I like that advice. I did find a green called "Glass house". I just have to see it in person rather than online!
Who comes up with these names?!?
No advice on the colours but man do I love those chairs!
Oh right. Just settled down to work on project with April 2 deadline (on which I have made great conceptual strides, but execution is seriously lacking), only to realize that the essay that has to be done on March 24 is not only unstarted but unplanned.
I, er, forgot to write it down on the all-important list. Those of us without fabulous assistants have to rely on little books, and on actually writing things in them.
On the good side, I did finish both the final edits on an accepted manuscript and the Panicking Postdoc's Project today.
I have to show you all something. I scratched my favorite sunnies the other week, and was really dismayed when I went to replace them to discover that Polaroid isn't selling sunnies in Australia anymore.(Fod knows why, we must be one of the biggest markets for them)
I bought some relatively cheapies I thought would be okay, but they made my face too hot (menopause sweating thing).
brainwave -look for some Polaroids on Ebay. and I won these for $25...brand new and ticket says $150.
They are so gloriously, well, huge and snazzy.
http://twitpic.com/1aiouj http://twitpic.com/1aioul
purple cauliflower *and* purple potatoes for dinner! win!
hey skinny mini!
so happy your dream is reality.
love you honey.
am at treehouse with the GIANT miss Selina Kyle
who hasn't been more than 3 feet away from me since I got home.
We want pictures of the giant kitty!
I'm home from the show I won tickets to see. My niece couldn't come in the end(she had 4 fillings today) so one of my best friends came instead. She has a 2 year old and an 8 month old, so we had a rare brilliant girls night out.
I honestly have laughed so hard and long for ages, my face still hurts. any lurking aussies - go and see Wil Anderson.
Okay, I can't stand it any more.
If you didn't catch this, and you want to see a really massive update on Ziggy and Zoraline, rescued because of the fabulous Lorraine 2 months ago, do check out this long update post with photos, descriptions, and videos. I warn you - there is more cute than you can probably legally have in most locations ...
Also, bonus NEW bottle baby - Ziggy has a new "little brother" and he loves him :)
Are you sure Ziggy isn't just tenderizing Rocky for when he eats him later. Zigman is a rotten little boy who needs a couple older kittens to knock him around a bit. Singleton kittens are a pain, lol.
I can just hear Ziggy - Mom! You got me a toy! It moves and purrs! Thanks!!!
Or maybe the tenderize idea is right...
Reading more thoroughly -
Aleta, sympathies and supportive thoughts to your SIL, and to yourself as knew the furry one, too.
Ziggy looks like: "I'll eat you up, I love you so!"
Thought I has posted that yesterday, but it is nowhere to be seen. Bad blogger!
Lovely horsey blog!
Bad Ziggy for beating poor Rocky who is still a baby. My actual heart hurt to see him being Ziggybused so.
I just got a temp job - as a PA!
This is so new to me and it's HARD. They want you to read their MINDS and JUST KNOW where everything you need is and how they like to do stuff.
I'm not really cut out for a PA job but needed to get some money fast.
When do we get to see the framed Bengals?
So now we know - telepathy is a requirement for a PA job, as well as clairvoyance. And maybe you have to combine the two so you can read their future thoughts...
I do not think I am qualified.
did a tumbleweed just blow through here? i think i hear crickets. and the screech of a merlin...
Just popped in to say I have an update on LJ about life in New Orleans. Plus, there are a couple of sort of SB pics. I'm being smothered by a pile of cats!
Also, I'm glad Ziggy is getting along (sort of) with the baby. It looks like he is being a typical big brother about it.
Crazy here. Ben has a performance/program dealy at school tomorrow morning. Both sets of parents are coming. Then my sister and fiance are coming to plan their wedding w/ the family. Then it's hubby's 40th bday on sunday and at this point there are 40-45 people coming to our house.
Nothin' to see here, move along.
Chantrelle, will you officiate the wedding?
I'm wrapping up work for the evening - bed by 12:30 am two nights in a row! Sweeet. Especially when I did housework and work work much of the day, attended school conference for one monster, took my guy to an urgent care clinic, attended the other monster's conference, then went to the grocery store to get guy's antibiotics, home to put monsters to bed, then work. They're all asleep now, and I'm afraid I hear the elder monster coughing like his papi. Booo. And this is the slow week. :P I can has Friday now? Oh, in fact yes! yippeeeee!
sorry. punchy. right - to sleep. *knocks on wood*
home, sweet "my own bed" home.
tomorrow is clean clean clean:( i really need a vacation from my vacation.
on a side note, i got my evelyn^2 downloads last night and it's a really interesting album. i can't wait to get it on my ipod so i can really give it a good listening.
Sounds as though everyone is having very busy weeks. We had of buiness (partners) AGM this week, which is always hard work. And I have been going through a patch of sleeping v. Badly for no apparant reason (woke at 4.45 this morning - what's that about?) so I'm hoping for a quiet weekend with lots of sleeping late. Especially as Easter weekend (to be spent at EasterCon) won't exactly be restful....
I'm officiating both my sister's and my brother's weddings this year! (sis in may, bro in sept). They're 16 yrs apart, getting married the same year!
Off to ben's school production now. Whee!
Hi, Fiends.
Hi back.
Hi Emily!
Today's question: What are vampires afraid of?
Their own shadow? (they should not have any).
Once upon a time there was a repentant vampire who wanted to have his own normal life back. So he went around stealing shadows from people, trying to regain what humanity he had lost in the fang bargain. However, shadows never stuck to him - he was too dark a being and shadows need light to thrive - and he became depressed.
So he went out in the broad day light to see if the light of day might not give him one last chance.
And it did.
A split second before he was burnt to a crisp, a shadow appeared behind him. You can still the trace on the wall today: the sunlight has embedded it into the stone.
Hm. If I could correctly post a link, we might not have gotten those lovely contributions. :)
Just burnt my little finger badly on coffee machine....
*gives Sally Mommy kisses on her finger*
In all seriousness though, if you have a fresh tomato, rip it open with your hands, to make a hole that you can put your finger in and stick it in the tomato. I shit you not. Do not scoff or disbelieve, it works for burns like you will never believe. It will help ease the pain and keep the burn from blistering or getting worse. I used to waitress YEARS ago, and I went to make more coffee one day and the make looked empty...well it was, because the filter had clogged and all the boiling hot water was still in it. So when I pulled out the restaurant sized filter at fast speeds all of that boiling water went onto my arm. I was in excruciating pain. One of the cooks, who didn't even speak English ran tot he cooler got an tomato and split it open and put it on my arm and made me keep it there. I should have scarred from it, I didn't even blister.
BTW I only mention she didn't speak English because it must of been quite a sight her trying to get me to put this tomato on my arm with the huge language barrier and lots of gesturing. :-)
Eek Dabbler, that must have killed! I iced it straight away, and put Aloe Vera on when I could. Feels much better now!
Happy Birthday Fluffy!
It's Fluffy's firbday?
Happy Fluffy Birthday !!!!
Oh wow another Aries, we should be friends.
Um. I mean fiends.
Thanks, O Fiendish Ones! It has been a very nice birthday. The offspring actually chose to go out to dinner with us rather than to the first half of a birthday party for a girlfriend. And then she loved the dinner - very nice restaurant with a killer dessert.
Today, the twenty eighth, is LADY GAGA'S birthday.
I'm not good at this linking thing, but here you go:
I'm posting this for @onesockshort:
@notanyani & her amazing Prom Night Pics at http://bit.ly/bTxNh4. Scroll to bottom. Dance ones very blurry, I'm afraid. Will label later.
(fingers crossed that this works!)
now you have to 'splain a little Ticia. I'm out of the loop, having been busy all weekend...
Well, I think "The Girls" should explain it.
It's quite a fairy tale, involving cross-dressing, a fairy princess agreeing at the last minute to be a date, and a prom.
@notanyani was crowned both prom queen and prom king!
Now that's an achievement.
WooT! Love the pictures, Onesockshort and Andrea - looks as though you had a great evening, and those crowns are wel-deserved.
(Hopefully this works as a clicky-link...)
Definitely a keeper-book, Jess – I finished it several weeks ago, but had flashbacks to it when I saw what you read. A keeper, and a re-reader.
I love good books.
Ooh a new writer to read. Thanks.
Love that book. Wondering where everyone is? Eaten by life?
Having too much fun. Hope it's the latter. I'm looking for distraction from paperwork. None here, move along!
*waves* Just as well waves can't echo, it is very quiet here.
That book sounds good, Jess and dabbler, so I've ordered it from the library.
Hi Fluffy. Hope you found some good distractions.
Right. Me. Coffee. More.
I had too much fun yesterday and am being eaten by life today.
Still doing dishes from yesterday's bday party for hubby's 40th...well, loading dishwasher...waiting....unloading dishwasher....lather rinse repeat.
I interviewed for a job at ben's school today and got it! I'll start towards the end of summer and just work up there 2 days a week. I'll be helping customize their web-based apps. Yay! Extra money and I just have to head to the office after i drop off ben :)
Hey Fiends!
Just got my ticket for w00tstock. Wee.
I'm reading the Hunger Games. Liking it very much.
Also dealing with some bits of life I have been avoiding. When will I ever learn that the avoiding is almost always harder than the dealing. :sigh:
Delurking for a quick *wave*
Thinking of you Fiends:)
The book looked a bit creeepy from the description. Any more feedback?
I've kept busy gardening and then ninja housecleaning today (the dirt never saw me coming!) I need to get out tomorrow morning and make sure to water all the transplants since it's supposed to be 81F tomorrow and 88 Wednesday. !! So glad I moved all those plants on that cool, rainy day THREE whole days ago...
Got a lot of weeding and planting done this week. I guess I can take some time to just baby the poor things. I am also looking once again at daylilies. LOTS of daylilies. Can't have too many, I say.
Of course I say that about a lot of things...
Congrats on the no-commute job, Robyn! And hi to you, Kali!
I guess Quichie is buuuuusy. Hope all is well.
"eaten by life" = excellent description
just watched a (who-knows-how-old) PBS program called Leonardo's Dream Machines, about two teams that take on the task of building machines based on designs and sketches by Mr. Da Vinci but never built. will they work?!? watch and find out! srsly. it's pretty cool. (i found the DVD at the library - thank the fods for libraries...)
oh fun Chantrelle! congrats!
Has the large hadron collider destroyed the world yet?
Chantrelle - that's so cool! My sister-in-law worked for her kids' school, even after her kids stopped going there :-)
Spacedlaw, I figure if the LHC destroys the world we'll finally find out what's in a black hole ;-)
I'm having a day already. My CPAP tried to drown me last night (I need to get a cover for the tube to prevent condensation) and I found out this morning that a co-worker who was a great guy died on Saturday. It is not being my day.
Oh, no, that's sad. Sorry about the coworker, Toni.
I figure if we get swallowed by the black hole I'll finally find where my motivation went. Maybe I'll organize everything there.
Morning all!
Sorry for the silence, buried in work with the Boss coming home, and life in general.
New blog tonight, promise!
Miss you Q!
I am just glad you are fine, dear.
Looking forward to the new blog.
Also, second week in, I'm really not digging this PA lark.
Hat off to Q for making it stick all these years.
Resentful in UK
hooray Q is still alive. i was worried the email monster had eaten you.
PG, being a PA sounds really difficult, but you are still getting used to your job, maybe a month or 2 to let things settle down into a routine would be wise. the first couple of weeks of any job are always overwhelming as you adjust. keeping fingers crossed everything works out for you.
Thanks for the encouragement vampi! Those are wise words indeed. Still, don't know if I can even stick the 2 months (the length of the contract - I'm just covering while the person who does this job usually is working on something else), as my personality is too independent and unruly to be happy working on behalf of someone else. - the 'Personal' bit of PA ;)
(and my boss is actually really nice and probably fairly easy to work for)
PS Did I mention about me hating routine and always wanting to change things around? So NOT allowed when you are a PA.
DataGoddess- I'm sorry for your loss.
I'm watching Moon right now... and eating an apple. I lead such an exciting life!
I heard there would be a new post tonight. Wonder where it is.....
It is so very echoy around here...
Is anyone watching In Treatment? I am about 13 episodes on season 1, and I am LOVING this show.
And your new post is UP!
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