Ireland. Well, Cabal and Ireland. Ok, Ireland, Cabal and Roller Girl Road Tripping.
I like them because Cabal seems happy. And healthy. And may he be so again. He's doing well, he needs to rest tho. He thinks he is better than he is.
The car is a fine place for him to rest, and to that end, he and I are going (no, not to Ireland, we'll get to Ireland, promise) to Chicago and back. And why not? I forget exactly how this happened, I think Naptown Roller Derby Girl Joan of Dark needed a ride from Chicago to Indianapolis, and in a weird way it sort of made sense, if I went down there and GOT her and brought her back here and she flew from Minneapolis to home. I can't explain the thought process that led to this idea but aren't the best ideas like that? A little sleep deprivation, a little coffee and I'm brilliant. What could POSSIBLY go wrong, I ask you??
Cabal will get to sleep and rest and heal, and me and my new BFF will have a fine time. (yes, I can say "BFF" it's sort of the girl equivalent of "Bromance")
More specifically, is there any person, or people there who want me? I land on the 11th, and Octocon, where I am a Guest, is October 16th and 17th. But what exactly shall I do the rest of the time? I think I leave on the 19th.
What I want to see in Dublin: Everything! All of it! And the sea.
What do I want to do: Anything cool with fun people. Or anything fun with cool people.
Where do I want to stay: Indoors. I could get a hotel, I expect, but if there are any better ideas, I would be very up for them! I am a very nice guest, darned entertaining, and this could be a plus or minus depending on your viewpoint, I will not be traveling with Dogs, Bengals or Horses.
I may be traveling with Honey. And a Violin. Sweet Music. (I slay myself)
So, help me out, my Fiends! Anyone there who wants to take me under their wing (THAT is an old saying, not a euphemism) or has any ideas? I am very good at sending Boss around the world, but not so good myself, and with everything that's happened these last few weeks, I feel slightly at a loss.
But I want to go to Ireland. I've seen it in my dreams all my life. I know that's you're there. In Ireland.
With Cabal.
Love and Ireland,